GigaTribe presents its GigaRoulette!

The more you have contacts, the more you share, the more you love GigaTribe. Today, we are happy to introduce GigaRoulette”!  We are convinced all of our users will love it because it is cool and fun.

GigaRoulette will create a list of 50 users. You will select the one you wish to invite!

It will be available next Monday  from the news page on GigaTribe.

GigaRoulette invites only people recently connected, sharing the same theme and language as you.
If you choosed to be “hidden from approximative search” on your profile options, then you will not be allowed to participate.

GigaTribe development status

GigaTribe 3.2 will be released in September. This new major version introduces a bunch of new features.

Here is a list of the new features to come with GigaTribe 3.2:
– introduction of a new major feature,“Tribes” (we all are pretty excited about Tribes but we will speak about it later, with another post)
multiple chat is back!
– no more tab navigation
– discussions are now on separated windows

The 1st screenshot (at the end of this post) shows you a quick look of those improvements. This screenshot is based on an alpha version we are currently using internally.

Concerning Mac and Linux developments.
There will not be any Mac or Linux version as long as the Windows version is not satisfying.
We are hoping GigaTribe 3.2 will satisfy all our users. Then, if so, we will work on those 2 platforms.

Don’t forget that there is a preview version for Mac (screenshot 2) and that GigaTribe is working via Wine for Linux users (screenshot 3).