Back to the “Report user” feature

With GigaTribe 3.01.005, we introduced a new feature which gives the ability to report an user. The purpose of this blog post is to clarify this initiative.

– Why does GigaTribe offer a “Report user” feature?
GigaTribe is aware that applicable laws in one country are not necessarily applicable in another. Forbidden contents in one country can be authorized in another.
As a service provider, GigaTribe respects the Internet neutrality and does not take side for a specific jurisdiction.
Moreover, GigaTribe has zero information about files transferred.
The “Report user” feature is the consequence of multiple users´ requests to report Child abuse contents.

What does GigaTribe do when receiving a Report?
GigaTribe redirects users to the French authorities in charge of child protection.
GigaTribe does not send any information to any authority when receiving users´ reports.

What´s next?
Based on users´ reports elements, French authorities will decide to investigate or not.
As part of this investigation, they can ask GigaTribe for further information.
GigaTribe will respect the Law and assist the authorities in their investigation.
Nevertheless, GigaTribe cannot provide any information about shared contents since we have zero information about files transfered.

How to report a user?
Right click on a file or folder shared by the malicious user. Then click “Report user…”.